Dr. Li Hong Fen - Çin tıbbı ile Batı tıbbını birleştiren profesör
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Kanseri daha etkili bir şekilde tedavi etmek için yeni yollar bulma ihtiyacı büyük. Bir yandan tedavi şansını artırırken, diğer yandan geleneksel tedavinin yan etkilerini ve olumsuz reaksiyonlarını hafifletmek gerekiyor.
Bitkiler ve otlara dayalı Geleneksel Çin Tıbbı, Çin'de tıbbi ortodoksi içinde 5,000 yıllık bir kullanım geçmişine sahiptir. Özellikle, bitkiler ve diğer bitkiler başarılı bir şekilde antikanser tedavileri olarak kullanılmıştır. Batı ülkelerinde, Çin antikanser bitkileri üzerine modern analiz yöntemleri kullanılarak yapılan araştırmalar oldukça sınırlıdır.
1975 yılında Çin'de mezun olan yüksek nitelikli bir doktor olan Dr. HongFen Li, ulusal uzman takımlarıyla birlikte, Batı ve Çin geleneksel tıbbının entegrasyonu üzerine araştırmalar yapmıştır, Çin, İsrail ve İngiltere'de.
Geleneksel Çin Tıbbının hastaların Batı kemoterapisine maruz kaldığı sırada bağışıklık sistemini ve tüm vücudu güçlendirme konusundaki temel katkısı, hastalar tedavi sürecindeyken sağlanır.

Major Research Achievement
Led or participated in 9 research projects in China, two of which were patented in China. She did over 40 animal and human being experiments in cancer and asthma field. Now responsible for two projects on cancer and asthma in Israel. Founded the International Chinese Medicine Cancer Research Center of Israel. All research programs have been financially supported by the Health Ministry of China and the Medical Research Center of Tel Aviv University. These projects are as followed:
Chinese medicine: "Anti-Cancer Number One"(ACNO) on NK cells and suppress tumor metastasis in rats in Tel Aviv University of Israel.
The clinic effects of 210 cases middle and late stage lung cancer patients treated by Chinese medicine and combine with chemotherapy.
Clinical observation and experiments in treating asthma with Xiao Chuan Ling and Xiao Chuan Ping and treating cancer with Anti-Cancer Number One (ACNO) to eliminate the root cause and symptoms of disease, this project was supported by the Administrative Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China.
Manufacturing and analysis of "Reinforce Origin Granule" for asthma prevention, the project was gained the Third Award of the Health Ministry of China.
Treating cough with Wan Beimu, Chuan Beimu, Zhe Beimu, the obvious effective rate was over 80%.
Treating 100 asthmatic patients with Shegan Mahuang Tang, the obvious effective rate was 90%.
Chinese medicine: "Ping Chuang Chong Ji" against asthma in Tel Hashomer Hospital of Israel, the effective rate is 90%.
Other researches on cardiac catheter in the arti-oventricular bundle to determine its normal limits, the mechanism and renin change of treating obstinate and high renin hypertension with Captopril, and organopthosphorus poisoning to determine the limit of a safe dosage of tropine.
Chinese Herb formula ACNO increases NK cell activity and inhibits the cancer cells NCRI cancer conference in the BT Convention center, Liverpool UK 3-6 November Abstract 2013 , B182 ,263 .
The Effect of a Chinese Herb Formula, Anti-Cancer Number One (ACNO), on NK Cell Activity and Tumor Metastasis in rats, International Immunopharmacology, 2001, 1: 1947-1956.
Chinese Medicine, Anticancer Number One, Increase Natural Killer Cells Activity and Suppress Tumor Metastasis. International Conference on Prevention and Treatment of Cancer with Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, 1998,11,6.
Clinic Effects of Chinese Medicine in Treating Asthma, Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, 1996, 2(2): 125-126.
Treatment of 111 Asthma Cases with Chinese Medicine, The Chinese Journal of Rural Medicine. 1996, 24(5): 52-53.
Observation under Electrical Microscope of Treating Asthma by Traditional Chinese Medicine, The Association of Internal Department of Chinese Medicine. 1993, 10, 15.
Clinic Observation of Treating Asthma by Traditional Chinese Medicine with Changes of T Cells. The Association of Internal Department of Chinese Medicine, 1991, 10, 5.
Clinic Observation and Experimental Research of Treating Asthma by Symptomatic and Etiologic Approaches. The Association of Internal Department of Chinese Medicine, 1991, 10, 5.
Clinic Effects of Chinese Medicine: Ping Chuan Chong Ji, Composition for Treatment of Bronchial Asthma ( to be published).
The effect of Anti-Cancer Number One, a Composition of Chinese Medicine, on killing the tumor cells in vitro ( to be published).
Clinic observation of treatment asthma by Traditional Chinese Medicine with changes of T cells and Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphate. The Association of Internal Department of Chinese Medicine, 1991, 10, 5.
The Effects of Chinese Medicine: Xiao Chun Li and Xiao Chun Ping on Delay Allergy, Humoral Immunity and Phagocytic Function in Mice (to be published). Books
Clinic Internal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Published in 1993, Beijing, China. This library is the first academic authority book in Traditional Chinese Medicine serving doctors, professors, students, and the interests of all nations to benefit entire mankind.
Clinic Observation and Experimental Research of Treating Asthma by Symptomatic and Etiologic Approaches. China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 1991, June. This book is a scholarly publication, an academic authority book on asthma.
1988-1991: M.Sc. Study (combine Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine) in China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine
1984-1987: Specialized in Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine college.
1980-1983: M.D Postgraduate in Beijing Xie He Medical University
1975: Graduated from M.D Study in He Bei Medical University of China.
Professional Experiences
1996-now: Research fellow and professor of integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine on cancer and asthma in International Chinese Medicine Cancer Research Center of Israel, as a cancer and asthma medical doctor, and Tel-Hashomer Hospital, Tel-Aviv University.
1988-1996: Oncologist and pulmonary doctor in charge and deputy research fellow of Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine of Xi Yuan Hospital of China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, specialized in cancer and Asthma.
1975-1987: Teaching assistant of internal medicine and oncologist in oncology department of Medical College In He Bei province of China, including 1980-1983 medical doctor in emergency department of Bejing Xie He Hospital.
Anti-Cancer Number One, Composition for Treatment of Malignant Tumor
Anti-Cancer Number One, Composition for Treatment of Malignant Tumor Chinese medicine, Anti-Cancer Number One (ACNO) is new anti-neoplastic drug developed from Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has been used for 30 years in China and more than 20 years in Israel. Thousands of cancer patients were treated with ACNO. The efficacy of ACNO was 69.7% and ACNO combined with western medicine (electrochemical therapy) group was 84.3%.
The clinical results showed that ACNO can improve immune system, inhibit cancer cells, improve blood circulation to suppress the growth and metastasis of tumor, increase the sensitivity to other therapies, diminish toxic and adverse effects of other therapies and drugs, improve sleep, increase appetite, alleviate pain and stress, improve liver and kidney function, and prevent leukopenia caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
It also elevates the body's anti-tumor capacity to reduce the relapse and metastasis and improve patient quality of life. The animal research was made in Tel-Aviv University of Israel. The results showed that ACNO increased natural killer cells activity and inhibited metastasis of tumor. (Ref.: International Immunopharmacology, 2001, 1:1947-1956) and kill the tumor cells 82.5% in vitro.
Ping Chuang Chong Ji, composition for treatment of bronchial asthma
Chinese Medicine, Ping Chuang Chong JI was made by tonic and anti-asthma Chinese herbs, It has been used for 30 years in China and almost 20 years in Israel, Thousands of patients were treated. The effective rate is 90%. The drug can improve pulmonary function, blood partial pressure and increase CD2, CD4, CD4/CD8, and reduce IgE in blood.
It also increases CAMP and suppresses CGMP to stable mast cells and inhibit it to release histamine etc. The drug protects lung cells and increases alveolar number and returns lung volume to normal, which were observed through electronic microscope.
Now, we finished the clinic research to treat asthma patients with Ping Chuan Chong Ji in the Pulmonary Institute of Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer Hospital, and the results will be published.
Dr. Li Haberlerde