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Dr. Li Hong Fen – Professor of Chinese medicine combined with Western medicine
The effect of a Chinese herb formula,anti-cancer number one (ACNO), increase NK cell activity and inhibit tumor metastasis in rats
The effect of anti-cancer number one (ACNO) , a 19-herb Chinese formula used to treat cancer patients ,were study in F 344 rats . In the first study ,the number and activity of circulating NK cells were evaluated following 18 days of oral consumption of 0.1 .0.5 or 2g /kg/day.
The second study assessed the effect of ACNO on resistance to metastasis of MADB106 tumor line , Resistance to metastasis was assessed under baseline condition and following the administration of β -adrenergic agonist ,metaproterenol(MP) .MP was used to simulate sympathetic response to stressful condition ,and was previously shown to suppress resistance to MADB 106 metastasis.
The results of the first study indicated a dose-dependent increase in NKA per ml of blood and per NK cell, In the second study ,whereas MP cause a 4-5-fold increase in number of metastasis in untreated rats . only 2-3 -fold increase occurred in rats with ACNO . No significant improvement in baseline level of resistance to metastasis was observed . These finding indicate the importance of studying ACNO under stressful condition in patients with potentially metastasis tumors.
This may prove particularly important during the perioperative period , spanning from the detection of the primary tumor to postoperative treatment .During this critical period ,psychology and physiological stress responses are known to cause massive immunosuppression ,which was suggested to promote metastatic development .

Killing of Tumor Cells by ACNO

* ACNO Chinese medicine for anticancer
** ShenQu negative Chinese herb
***UFT one kind chemotherapy.
**** ddw negative control group.
Killing of T Lymphocytes By UFT/ACNO/ShenQU
Take 10ml blood, dilute in 10ml RPMI.
Add into 50ml conical tube containing of 18 ml Ficoll-pague(pharmacia) gently on the top(do not mix)
Centrifuge at 2,000 rpm, 30min at room temperature.
Pool cells from the interphase area with Ficoll(cloudy area), dispense these cells in new 50ml tube.
Centrifuge at 2,000 rpm, 15min, 4oC. Cells are not packed tightly. Discard supernatant with pipette.
Resuspend in RPMI. Centrifuge at 2,000, 10min, 4oC.
Wash twice with 20ml RPMI, Centrifuge at 2,000 rpm, 15min, 4oC.
Resuspend in 10ml of complete medium with 10% FCS(RPMI + FCS+ Penicillin/strep+Glu) for growing cells.
Counting cells and dilute to a count of 4 x 106 T cells/ml in Complete Medium.
Take 1ml cells into each well of 24-well plate, add 20ulUFT, or ACNO, or ShenQu, transfer into CO2 incubator overnight at 37oC.
Counting the killing of cells.
Results: T cells death%
Volume UFT* ACNO** ShenQU*** Medium****
20ul 95.8-96.7% 11.3-14.7% 3.7-5.6% 99.5-100%
*UFT one kind chemotherapy.
** ACNO Chinese medicine for anticancer
*** ShenQu negative Chinese herb
**** Medium positive control group.
T lymphocytes belong to the human immune system and play first line against cancer. However when the patients take chemotherapy ,the cells are also killed . The results showed that chemotherapy and medium control group almost kill all normal T-lymphcytes. However the Chinese medicine ACNO and ShenQu have a very low influence on the T cells. That means that the Chinese medicine kills the cancer cells and does not damage the normal cells.